7 Fat Loss Strategies For Busy Moms
By Holly Rigsby, CPT
Fit Yummy Mummy
Would you like to "jump start" your metabolism and lose your ‘mommy belly' once and for all? If so, the following seven tips are exactly what you need to improve your workouts and ignite your metabolism. Try some or all of these tips, but beware, the result may be a number of admiring second glances and the need to pull your ‘skinny jeans' out of the closet.
1. The majority of your workouts should be composed of free-weight, bodyweight or cable exercises.
Compared to machines, free-weight, bodyweight and cable movements often require more skill, create muscular balance, and have a greater metabolic cost. For example, it is more difficult to balance the weights, and to coordinate muscles when performing free-weight exercises. Although this may sound like a disadvantage, it is actually a benefit. By balancing and stabilizing free-weights or cables you are working more muscles through a greater range of motion resulting in more muscles developed and more calories burned.
2. Use exercises that work more than one muscle at a time.
When focusing on fat loss, you can't worry about "shaping" exercises, instead you should use exercises that'll get you the biggest bang for your buck and work as many muscles as possible. Isolation exercises can be used at the end of a workout to work on a specific target area, but they just serve to supplement your core movements.
Virtually every savvy fitness professional is privy to the fact that compound exercises recruit the most muscle groups for any given body part.
If you seek lean, toned muscles and the increase in metabolism that comes with them, you must choose exercises that work as many different muscles as possible. One of the main reasons why squats are superior to leg extensions for improving your body is that they also work your butt, hamstrings and inner thighs in addition to toning your quadriceps while leg extensions focus on just the front of your thigh and don't really offer any other benefit. That same rationale hold true for arm exercises too. That's why dumbell presses and dips will are more valuable for your arms than triceps kickbacks and pushdowns.
A good rule of thumb is to use movements that will allow you to use the most weight. These will have a systemic effect on your body that'll help maintain or increase your lean muscle, and in turn ignite your metabolism.
3. Pair exercises.
Pair your exercises together so that you alternate between upper-body exercises and lower-body exercises or between exercises that target opposing muscle groups (e.g. chest and back).
This type of approach will keep your workouts short and efficient by eliminating much of the downtime that comes between sets of a single exercise since you are working on one movement while resting from another. This approach can also yield huge benefits in your mission to burn fat. Since you'll constantly be moving and keeping your heart rate elevated, you'll be burning far more calories than you would during a typical workout.
4. Keep your reps between 8 and 12.
Through research, it has been determined that the best range for building lean muscle is roughly between 8-12 reps. Since the main focus of your resistance training efforts is to gain lean body mass and stimulate your metabolism, this rep range fills the bill perfectly. "High reps for tone and fat loss" is one of the biggest (and most unproductive) training myths! Somehow the aerobics, yoga and Pilates' community have convinced us that when we perform bodyweight exercises or light resistance training for high reps, our muscles magically take on a beautiful shape without growing or bulging. On the other hand, if you challenge yourself with moderately heavy weights, your body will take on a bulky, unflattering appearance. If you believe this, you probably still believe in the Tooth Fairy!
5. Rest only 30 to 60 seconds between sets.
When you keep the rest periods under one minute, it's easier to stay focused on the task at hand and keeps your heart rate elevated. In addition, it forces your muscles to recover more quickly between sets, along with keeping your nervous system revved up.
If your first movement in an upper/lower body pair is squats, you might want to rest 60 seconds before attempting your second movement. However, if your first exercise is a fairly "easy" exercise, like lat pull downs, you might only wish to wait 30 seconds before doing the second part of the pair.
6. Perform total body workouts.
You must drop the notion that muscle groups work independently of one another. Muscles work together and should be trained that way. Besides, not only does this approach mean less time in the gym, but by working the whole body three times per week, you'll be maximizing the fat burning effect of your program.
7. Cardio is not the cure-all for fat loss.
Cardiovascular exercise aids in the creation of a caloric deficit, but the caloric expenditure during cardio is temporary. Strength training addresses the core of the problem by permanently increasing the rate at which the body burns calories by adding muscle. The best programs will include both strength training and cardiovascular training, but the core or the programs effectiveness is resistance training.
Take these strategies and incorporate them into your workout routine. Not only will you save a lot of time, but you'll also soon see a leaner and more toned body. Not to mention a few more turned heads and the re-emergence of your skinny jeans.
About the Author
Holly Rigsby is a nationally recognized women’s fitness coach, certified personal trainer (CPT) and the author of the internationally popular e-book – Fit Yummy Mummy - Burn Your Baby Fat & Get Your Body Back. Go to Fit Yummy Mummy to get your FREE copy of her special report: "The Five Ways To Boost Your Metabolism."
Everything I need to know about diet and exercise I learned from my twins

They're 3 years old. I love watching them interact. I've been working on getting back my pre-children body now for months and have tried various methods with varying degrees of success. But really - when you stop and watch young children - you can learn all you need to know!
They eat - when they are hungry and stop when they are full!
They eat often, but very small portions.
They drink when they're thirsty and are quite happy to have access to water and a cup. Give them their own water bottle and they're thrilled:)
They spontaneously burst into bouts of exercise - chasing each other in a game of tag.
If music comes on the radio or TV they dance.
They beg to play outside - and want to get fresh air and sunshine every day ( it will help them grow like plants they tell me)
At the end of the day, they're tired. They're asleep for a good 12 hours each night and wake up refreshed and raring to go the next day.
I can learn a lot from watching them :) And I do.
preschool age twins
Busy with Raising Twins! ( the website that is)
Wow - time has flown by this year. Raising Twins.com has just passed it's one year anniversary and we're doing great! Over 1000 visitors a day from around the world. Love it! We've also just opened up a forumRaising Twins Community for twin parents and expectant twin parents to hang out, post stuff and support each other. I'm pretty excited to have it up and running now as emails were getting crazy through the main site. Needless to say, I haven't been blogging much, but I just did a makeover for the blog and we'll be off to a fresh start now.
Thanks for reading ! Stop by the forum :)
Thanks for reading ! Stop by the forum :)
raising twins,
twins forum
11 Top Tips On Working With Newborn Twins
Well, Well – You’re Having Twins!
11 Top Tips On Working With Newborn Twins
“Twins, it can’t be! No one on either side of my husband’s or my family can remember anyone having twins.” I guess my words didn’t matter much because when I heard I was going to give birth to twins, I felt a blessing, as if a special gift had been handed to me. Having twins meant being prepared for their arrival way before birth. I found out that not only did I need to purchase two of everything; I also discovered that I needed to be aware of the best way to parent my newborn twins.
Twins are both mystifying and marvelous. Their lives both enrich and complicate the lives of parents, brothers, sisters, friends and teachers. The birth of twins is due to either the splitting of a single egg, which produces identical twins, or to the fertilization of two separate eggs, which results in non-identical or fraternal twins. I once read the chances of a mother of any race delivering twins increases until her late thirties. The more children she already had, the higher the chances of twins. This was exactly my story. I was 32 years old when I gave birth to my fraternal twins (a boy and a girl) and I had four other smaller children at home awaiting their arrival. I felt very special knowing that my womb was the incubator for two precious souls.
I discovered by reading throughout my pregnancy many tips and techniques that would help me after the birth of my twins. I gave birth to my twins in Japan, without the available advice of my family and stateside friends, so gathering this information was paramount in creating and developing a harmonious household. Parenting would take on a larger dimension for my husband and myself. It was really a new ballgame and I wanted to know as much as I could in order to remain balanced, loving and emotionally attached to all of my children. Here are some of the tips, understandings, and suggestions on the raising of twins:
1. When you discover you will give birth to twins, contact a Twins Club via the Internet or yellow pages and become an active participant of the club. Learn all you can from other parents with twins.
2. Names – what to call your twins? It is suggested that parents choose distinctively different names for their babies instead of same initial names, i.e., Mary and Marion/Sam and Seth. Keep in mind that your twins are individuals from day one and should be thought of and treated as an individual.
3. With identical twins, parents may have a problem telling them apart. In order to correctly identify each twin, use small wristbands with their names on it, or select different color clothing and bedding. Start dressing your twins differently each day so that everyone knows who they are! Also try to remember to call each twin by its given name and not refer to them as “the twins.” This will help greatly in their self-esteem as they get older.
4. Realize that even though you love both your twins, you may in the beginning feel more loving to one twin. Why? Because twins have very distinctive personalities from birth. One baby may appear more placid and the other baby more temperamental. In any case, these feelings seem to pass as your twins spend more time with you.
5. Twins bond pretty early in life. My twins each played a role for each other. If my son dropped his pacifier, my daughter would crawl over and place it in his mouth! If my daughter were looking for something, my son would always find it and hand it to her. My son was more excitable and full of energy. My daughter was quieter and more serene. Twins often continue to show these patterns of behavior during their infancy and beyond. Even though twins identify with each other, they also need to create their own individuality. When you see them become their own person, promote it whole-heartily.
6. Breastfeeding or bottle-feeding? Twins will accept either one. I found that nursing twins simultaneously, even though clumsy at first, was the way to go. I would tuck one twin under each arm, supported by pillows. I would rotate the babies, changing breasts for each feeding. The advantages of breastfeeding are, of course, the protection against infection, as well as the nutrients required for your twins’ healthy growth. A family saves both time and money when breastfeeding: a mother has more physical contact while breastfeeding and if you’re feeding your babies by bottle (separately), it inevitably takes twice as long. The advantage of bottle-feeding is that other people around you can share your workload. You can pump your breast milk and have your husband, or older children, feed the babies. This will allow you a rest. Important: Don’t forget to eat several substantial meals a day, as your babies are breastfeeding. Breastfeeding takes nutrients from your bodily system. Join La Leche League and attend their meetings if you decide to breastfeed.
7. Your first year with twins will be hectic and appear at times to be unmanageable. Remember that your first year should be a year of seeking and accepting help. You only have two hands. Isolation will be a part of your day. Your friends may visit you less and less. True, there is not much time for socializing, but remember to take “me” time as often as you. Time to get your nails done, your hair cut, a bubble bath, time for a movie….any time that is away from your babies. Balance is the key to everything and if you’re tired and irritable because of being “mommy” each and every day, you need to allow your husband, family or friends to take over once in awhile.
8. As often as possible, get a good night’s sleep. Being refreshed for your day with your twins is vital for your mental and physical health. Twins don’t necessarily sleep at the same time, but if and when they do, take a cat-nap yourself. When your twins are a couple of months old, run the vacuum cleaner while they are napping. Get them used to noise and then watch them sleep right through it!
9. Create routines for EVERYTHING. Routines need to be created for bathing time, feeding time, sleeping time, clothes washing time, walking outdoors time – any domestic task you do each and every day should have a routine attached to it. It will save you energy and your sanity. Doing the same thing (at the same time) each day will create time for you to breathe and feel whole. Do not become a slave to the moment; instead make a routine that can only be changed by an emergency. Without a routine in place, you will find yourself drained, as you’ll feel yourself being stretched beyond your imagination.
10. Know in advance: Your time spent with each twin will seem unequal. One baby may demand more time either because he/she cries more or takes longer to feed. Do not feel guilty. Every mother of twins knows that this scenario can’t really be changed! If you find yourself resenting the twin who occupies more of your time, re-think this out and decide that you are doing the best you can. A mother with twins will find it very difficult to devote any kind of concentrated attention to one twin without the other twin calling for equal attention. One day, as the twins grow older, you can dedicate yourself to more one-on-one time with each twin in a more equitable fashion.
11. Fathers are vital to the raising of twins. Fathers are not aides or assistants - they are and should be considered an active participant who can supply the individualized attention your twins demand. Work out a system with your husband so that both of you understand who will do what and when for your twins. Fathers are a role model to a boy/girl twin or a boy twin that is invaluable.
Being the mother and father of twins is indeed very special. Parent your twins with joy, patience, perspective and understanding. Discover the personal growth that develops within you as you watch four tiny bright eyes peering up at you as you are feeding your babies. Relax. Be in awe and be aware knowing that your twins are truly a gift and a grace from God.
Copyright © 2005 by Linda Milo and Empowering Parents Now. All rights reserved.
Author's Bio
Linda Milo, a.k.a., "The Parent-Child Connection Coach" specializes in helping mothers and fathers turn their parenting challenges into a more livable, more workable, and more enjoyable family life. Through her experience as a single parent who has raised six children (including twins), been a nursery school teacher, a teacher for middle school children, and an active member of the PTA, Linda understands the ups and downs of parenthood.
Through her Parent-Child Connection Program, Linda’s clients enjoy a healthier and more trusting relationship, and a strong parent-child bond with their child. Find out more at http://www.empoweringparentsnow.com.
11 Top Tips On Working With Newborn Twins
“Twins, it can’t be! No one on either side of my husband’s or my family can remember anyone having twins.” I guess my words didn’t matter much because when I heard I was going to give birth to twins, I felt a blessing, as if a special gift had been handed to me. Having twins meant being prepared for their arrival way before birth. I found out that not only did I need to purchase two of everything; I also discovered that I needed to be aware of the best way to parent my newborn twins.
Twins are both mystifying and marvelous. Their lives both enrich and complicate the lives of parents, brothers, sisters, friends and teachers. The birth of twins is due to either the splitting of a single egg, which produces identical twins, or to the fertilization of two separate eggs, which results in non-identical or fraternal twins. I once read the chances of a mother of any race delivering twins increases until her late thirties. The more children she already had, the higher the chances of twins. This was exactly my story. I was 32 years old when I gave birth to my fraternal twins (a boy and a girl) and I had four other smaller children at home awaiting their arrival. I felt very special knowing that my womb was the incubator for two precious souls.
I discovered by reading throughout my pregnancy many tips and techniques that would help me after the birth of my twins. I gave birth to my twins in Japan, without the available advice of my family and stateside friends, so gathering this information was paramount in creating and developing a harmonious household. Parenting would take on a larger dimension for my husband and myself. It was really a new ballgame and I wanted to know as much as I could in order to remain balanced, loving and emotionally attached to all of my children. Here are some of the tips, understandings, and suggestions on the raising of twins:
1. When you discover you will give birth to twins, contact a Twins Club via the Internet or yellow pages and become an active participant of the club. Learn all you can from other parents with twins.
2. Names – what to call your twins? It is suggested that parents choose distinctively different names for their babies instead of same initial names, i.e., Mary and Marion/Sam and Seth. Keep in mind that your twins are individuals from day one and should be thought of and treated as an individual.
3. With identical twins, parents may have a problem telling them apart. In order to correctly identify each twin, use small wristbands with their names on it, or select different color clothing and bedding. Start dressing your twins differently each day so that everyone knows who they are! Also try to remember to call each twin by its given name and not refer to them as “the twins.” This will help greatly in their self-esteem as they get older.
4. Realize that even though you love both your twins, you may in the beginning feel more loving to one twin. Why? Because twins have very distinctive personalities from birth. One baby may appear more placid and the other baby more temperamental. In any case, these feelings seem to pass as your twins spend more time with you.
5. Twins bond pretty early in life. My twins each played a role for each other. If my son dropped his pacifier, my daughter would crawl over and place it in his mouth! If my daughter were looking for something, my son would always find it and hand it to her. My son was more excitable and full of energy. My daughter was quieter and more serene. Twins often continue to show these patterns of behavior during their infancy and beyond. Even though twins identify with each other, they also need to create their own individuality. When you see them become their own person, promote it whole-heartily.
6. Breastfeeding or bottle-feeding? Twins will accept either one. I found that nursing twins simultaneously, even though clumsy at first, was the way to go. I would tuck one twin under each arm, supported by pillows. I would rotate the babies, changing breasts for each feeding. The advantages of breastfeeding are, of course, the protection against infection, as well as the nutrients required for your twins’ healthy growth. A family saves both time and money when breastfeeding: a mother has more physical contact while breastfeeding and if you’re feeding your babies by bottle (separately), it inevitably takes twice as long. The advantage of bottle-feeding is that other people around you can share your workload. You can pump your breast milk and have your husband, or older children, feed the babies. This will allow you a rest. Important: Don’t forget to eat several substantial meals a day, as your babies are breastfeeding. Breastfeeding takes nutrients from your bodily system. Join La Leche League and attend their meetings if you decide to breastfeed.
7. Your first year with twins will be hectic and appear at times to be unmanageable. Remember that your first year should be a year of seeking and accepting help. You only have two hands. Isolation will be a part of your day. Your friends may visit you less and less. True, there is not much time for socializing, but remember to take “me” time as often as you. Time to get your nails done, your hair cut, a bubble bath, time for a movie….any time that is away from your babies. Balance is the key to everything and if you’re tired and irritable because of being “mommy” each and every day, you need to allow your husband, family or friends to take over once in awhile.
8. As often as possible, get a good night’s sleep. Being refreshed for your day with your twins is vital for your mental and physical health. Twins don’t necessarily sleep at the same time, but if and when they do, take a cat-nap yourself. When your twins are a couple of months old, run the vacuum cleaner while they are napping. Get them used to noise and then watch them sleep right through it!
9. Create routines for EVERYTHING. Routines need to be created for bathing time, feeding time, sleeping time, clothes washing time, walking outdoors time – any domestic task you do each and every day should have a routine attached to it. It will save you energy and your sanity. Doing the same thing (at the same time) each day will create time for you to breathe and feel whole. Do not become a slave to the moment; instead make a routine that can only be changed by an emergency. Without a routine in place, you will find yourself drained, as you’ll feel yourself being stretched beyond your imagination.
10. Know in advance: Your time spent with each twin will seem unequal. One baby may demand more time either because he/she cries more or takes longer to feed. Do not feel guilty. Every mother of twins knows that this scenario can’t really be changed! If you find yourself resenting the twin who occupies more of your time, re-think this out and decide that you are doing the best you can. A mother with twins will find it very difficult to devote any kind of concentrated attention to one twin without the other twin calling for equal attention. One day, as the twins grow older, you can dedicate yourself to more one-on-one time with each twin in a more equitable fashion.
11. Fathers are vital to the raising of twins. Fathers are not aides or assistants - they are and should be considered an active participant who can supply the individualized attention your twins demand. Work out a system with your husband so that both of you understand who will do what and when for your twins. Fathers are a role model to a boy/girl twin or a boy twin that is invaluable.
Being the mother and father of twins is indeed very special. Parent your twins with joy, patience, perspective and understanding. Discover the personal growth that develops within you as you watch four tiny bright eyes peering up at you as you are feeding your babies. Relax. Be in awe and be aware knowing that your twins are truly a gift and a grace from God.
Copyright © 2005 by Linda Milo and Empowering Parents Now. All rights reserved.
Author's Bio
Linda Milo, a.k.a., "The Parent-Child Connection Coach" specializes in helping mothers and fathers turn their parenting challenges into a more livable, more workable, and more enjoyable family life. Through her experience as a single parent who has raised six children (including twins), been a nursery school teacher, a teacher for middle school children, and an active member of the PTA, Linda understands the ups and downs of parenthood.
Through her Parent-Child Connection Program, Linda’s clients enjoy a healthier and more trusting relationship, and a strong parent-child bond with their child. Find out more at http://www.empoweringparentsnow.com.
breastfeeding twins,
newborn twins,
parenting twins,
Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil

Or speak no Knock Knock Jokes!
The twins have discovered knock knock jokes. The problem is that they don't quite get the concept and they are slowly driving me crazy !
If they're not asking me -
"mom - knock knock"
Me "who's there"
Twin "pickle"
Me "pickle who?"
Twin "Pickle - umm- hey -I forgot, pickle say banana - no - I like to ...." total lost train of thought and then it starts all over again with the punchline forgotten each time.
Or better yet - when they are asking each other
Twin A "knock knock"
Twin B "who's there?"
Twin A "orange"
Twin B " orange who?"
Twin A " um - orange, no - banana you didn't - hey - no fair - you said pickle- it's my turn silly billy - no fair - mom !!!!!!!"
Or of course when they are coming up with some totally ridiculous made up word like 'foo-foo face' that sends them both off into peals of laughter. Once , is funny, 18 times in a row - not so funny anymore !
Trying to feed them dinner - knock knock jokes, bathtime - more jokes - all day - we are living knock knock jokes !
And to think we as parents try so hard when they are young to encourage our babies to communicate and speak as early as possible. Sigh. I know - it's only a stage and it will pass -
I may need to borrow some of my husbands ear plugs....
knock knock jokes,
parenting twins,
I can't FWEEP !!

Yikes. The twins are 3 years old and have been sleeping through the night for 2 years. Amy has decided that every 3 hours ( I'm guessing each sleep cycle) that she's going to wake up yelling at the top of her lungs that she can't "fweep!"
Sigh. Thought the sleepless nights were behind me. Now while she doesn't stay awake for very long - her voice and lung capacity are long and loud enough to wake her brother who is next to her, and sister on the other side of the wall. So 3 times a night I am getting up, tucking her in, telling her that 'yes, she can fweep '- and 'no - she can't fweep in my bed,' and then she goes back to sleep.
All of this late night nonsense has brought up the issue of how and when do you separate fraternal boy/girl twins. Her brother Cody would probably sleep through an earthquake and isn't really bothered if she's not always at his side. Amy on the other hand is very attached and will NOT be without him , or without knowing where he is at all times.
Right now they share a futon. It's close to the floor so no one gets hurt if they roll out of bed, and it gives them enough space not to be banging into each other. They've always slept together - first in the same bassinette, then in the same co-sleeper, then the same room with separate cribs and now sharing a futon. Will it wreck some of their twin bond to split them up so we can all get more sleep? How long should boys and girls share a room. When is old enough? Or do I just resign myself to many more sleepless nights and hope for the best.
Just thinking out loud today - sleep deprivation makes for rambling. For those of you with advice or ideas - please post in the comments or write me through my contact page at Contact Me
And while you're there - post some pictures of your twins for our cutest twins contest!
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